









22nd February -14th March 2026

Leader: Pete Simpson

The Philippines archipelago is comprised of more than 7100 islands yet the total land area is slightly smaller than the British Isles. The astonishing degree of biological endemism within the Philippines is well represented by the country's avifauna, and although the total list for the Philippines is not large at just over 700 species, of approximately 450 resident species more than 250 are endemic.

During this tour we will concentrate on three of the largest islands - Luzon, Mindanao and Palawan which account for more than two-thirds of the land area. They have the largest numbers of endemic species, of which we can expect to see over 140 including such spectacular species as Philippine Eagle, Palawan Peacock-Pheasant, Philippine and Steere's Pitta, Southern Silvery Kingfisher, Southern Rufous Hornbill, Celestial Monarch, Philippine Trogon and Cinnamon Ibon, potentially an endemic family. In addition, there's an amazing set of endemic owls to see, a spectacular set of endemic kingfishers including Spotted Wood and Southern Silvery Kingfishers, and Spotted Wood Kingfisher, and a brace of racquet-tails among the endemic parrots which contain such exotic-sounding species as Colasisi and Guaiabero.

Sadly, much of the rainforest which once cloaked these beautiful islands has already disappeared and many bird species which are dependent on primary forest are in serious decline. However, the Philippines still offers some of the most exciting and fascinating birding in Asia including many of the regions rarest and most desirable birds.

Day 1:
International arrivals into Manila International Airport. Night in Manila.

Day 2:
We start the tour at La Mesa Ecopark, La Mesa Ecopark, a local park on the edge ofMetro Manila that has become the easiest place to find the otherwise elusiveAshy Thrush, with a good chance of Lowland White-eye, Grey-backed Tailorbird, and Philippine Magpie Robin, a newly recognised endemic which is difficult elsewhere. From here we will continue to theInfanta Road that cuts through the southern SierraMadre, arriving in time to start our birding in the afternoon. Night at Jariel’s Peak.

Day 3:
Full day in the excellent roadside forest in the area, concentrating on several endemics which are difficult or impossible elsewhere including Bicol Ground Warbler, Flame-breasted and ‘Southern’ Cream-bellied Fruit Doves, Northern Rufous Hornbill, and Calabarzon (Black-crowned) Babbler. Yellowish White-eye, Lemon-throated Leaf Warbler and Olive-backed Flowerpecker often join feeding flocks among commoner species like Elegant Tit, Sulphur-billed Nuthatch, Yellow-bellied Whistler, Luzon (Philippine) Pygmy Woodpecker, Luzon Blue-headed Fantail, Grey-backed Tailorbird, Citrine Canary-flycatcher, and Buzzing Flowerpecker. Other uncommon species such as Scale-feathered Malkoha, Amethyst Brown Dove, Philippine Fairy Bluebird, Bicolored Flowerpecker, and Flaming Sunbird are regular here, and if we are extremely fortunate, we might find the rare Whiskered Pitta or Grand Rhabdornis perched on an exposed snag, and we will keep a watch on the skies for passing Luzon Hawk Eagle. At night we will aim to find the diminutive Luzon Scops Owl. Night at Jariel’s Peak.

Day 4:
After another morning birding along the Infanta Road, we continue to Subic Bay, stopping on the way at a marsh that is a reliable location of the localised Philippine Swamphen. Night at Subic Bay.

Day 5:
We will spend the whole day birding around Subic Bay Naval Base. The remaining lowland rainforest at Subic offers excellent birding with several target species to be found that are difficult to see elsewhere including Green Racquet-tail, Blue-naped Parrot, Rufous Coucal, Luzon Hawk Eagle, Blackish Cicadabird, Luzon Flameback, Luzon Pygmy Woodpecker, Northern Sooty Woodpecker, Green-backed Tailorbird, and Luzon Hornbill. There are also many widespread species present including Bar-bellied Cuckooshrike, Luzon (White-browed) Shama, Luzon Balicassiao, Philippine Falconet, Stripe-headed Rhabdornis, Red-crested and Scale-feathered Malkoha, Spotted Wood Kingfisher, White-eared Brown Dove,Philippine Green Pigeon, Red Junglefowl, and two recently recognised endemics; Brown-breasted Kingfisher and Rufous-crowned Bee-eater. At night we will concentrate on finding Chocolate Boobook, Luzon Boobook, Philippine Scops Owl, and perhaps the impressive Philippine Eagle Owl.Night at Subic Bay.

Day 6:
After any final birding at Subic Bay, we continue northwards into the Central Cordillera Mountain Range to Banaue where we will arrive in the evening, hopefully having added Northern Indigo-banded Kingfisher along the way. Night at Banaue.

Day 7:
We will spend the full day birding around Mount Polis departing early morning to make the most of the early morning bird activity. The remnant montane forest here still holds many Luzon montane endemics including Chestnut-faced Babbler, Luzon Blue-headed Fantail, Philippine Bush Warbler, Luzon (Long-tailed) Ground Warbler, Luzon Sunbird and Green-backed Whistler. Some of these join with mixed species flocks which might give us our first views of more widespread endemics like Elegant Tit, Sulphur-billed Nuthatch, Luzon (Philippine) Pygmy Woodpecker, Philippine Mountain Warbler or Scale-feathered Malkoha, and non-endemics such as Mountain Tailorbird, Tawny Grassbird, Turquoise Flycatcher and if the weather is fine, soaring Eastern Buzzard. Scarcer species we will look for include Mountain Shrike and Luzon Flame-crowned Flowerpecker, Red Crossbill and in lower altitude grassland; Benguet Bush Warbler which is widespread here but extremely difficult to see. During the day we will visit the scenic village of Bay-yo where nearby rivers at the bottom of a steep valley are a reliable site for Luzon Water Redstart. Night in Banaue.

Day 8:
Final morning at Mount Polis in search of any specialties we are still missing while keeping an eye out for rarer species like Luzon Racquet-tail, Flame-breasted Fruit Dove, or White-cheeked Bullfinch. If we haven't seen them the previous day, then we will make more night-time excursions for Luzon Scops Owl which are usually easy to hear on the surrounding slopes but difficult to see. If we have time to explore the hotel grounds then we can usually find Yellowish White-eye among the mixed flock of commoner species there, while Bundok Flycatchers hide in the understory. We then drive back south for an overnight start at Clark. Night in Clark.

Day 9:
Morning flight from Manila International Airport to Cagayan de Oro (Mindanao), from where we drive south through Bukidnon province, stopping at the village of Dalwangan, and then ride a truck to Damitan Village then trek into the Kitanglad Mountains to a tented camp, which will be our home for the next three nights. We will spend any remaining time in the afternoon birding above the camp and in the evening have our first attempt to see Bukidnon Woodcock ‘roding’ near the camp while further night-birding around our lodge could produce Philippine Frogmouth, Philippine Eared-Nightjar, Philippine Nightjar and with a good deal of luck, Everett’s or Giant Scops Owls. Nights at Tented Camp, Mount Kitanglad.

Days 10-11:
We will have two full days to explore the remnant forest on Mount Kitanglad. The main targets here will be the magnificent Philippine Eagle - the national bird of the Philippines. We will work both the lower areas and the higher trails up to at least 1800m in search of the Mindanao endemics and other specialities which are restricted to this montane habitat including Mindanao Racquet-tail, Red-eared Parrotfinch, White-cheeked Bullfinch, Short-tailed Starling, Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis, Blue-capped Wood Kingfisher, Olive-capped Flowerpecker, Grey-hooded Sunbird, Apo Sunbird, Apo Myna and if we are fortunate, the skulking Mindanao (Long-tailed Ground Warbler) and slimmer chances of Buff-spotted Flameback or Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove which are also found elsewhere. In mixed feeding flocks we can expect to find McGregor's Cuckooshrike, Black-and-cinnamon Fantail, Rufous-headed Tailorbird, Black-masked Dark-eye, Turquoise Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Whistler, Mindanao (Philippine) Pygmy Woodpecker and the fascinating Cinnamon Ibon alongside commoner species like Philippine Mountain Warbler, Elegant Tit and Sulphur-billed Nuthatch. There are usually good numbers of overwintering Eye-browed Thrush present and sometimes Mugimaki Flycatcher.While scanning for the Philippine Eagles we might also find Pinsker's Hawk Eagle, Rufous-bellied Hawk Eagle or the resident form of Oriental Honey Buzzard. Nights at Tented Camp, Mount Kitanglad.

Day 12:
After some final morning birding (if required), we depart from the camp, return to Dalwangan village, then make our way south for an overnight stay at the Eden Resort. Here, on the slopes of Mount Apo, we hope to find two very localised specialities; Cryptic Flycatcher and Whiskered Flowerpecker. Orange-lined Sunbird and Orange-tufted Spiderhunter are both present around the resort, and night-birding possibilities include Philippine Frogmouth, Everett’s and Giant Scops Owls. Night at Eden Resort.

Day 13:
We have more time for morning birding if required, before continuing our journey via Davao to the east coast town of Bislig, stopping to check the coastline northeast of Davao which has hosted wintering Chinese Crested Tern in recent years. Night at Bislig.

Days 14-16:
We will have three full days to explore the ex-logging concession at PICOP.Although deforestation has damaged much of the concession, some good forest still remains and gives us a good chance to find a big list of Mindanao's lowland forest specialists. Possibilities here include Rufous Hornbill, Writhed Hornbill, Mindanao Hornbill, Pink-bellied Imperial Pigeon, Short-billed Brown Dove, Pinsker's Hawk Eagle, Steere's Honey Buzzard, Blue-capped Wood Kingfisher, Southern Silvery Kingfisher, Rufous-lored Kingfisher, Philippine and Steere's Pitta, Philippine Trogon, Little Slaty Flycatcher, Orange-tufted and Naked-faced Spiderhunter, Rufous-fronted and Black-headed Tailorbird, Streaked Ground Babbler, Philippine Fairy Bluebird, Philippine Oriole, Philippine Leafbird, Mindanao Yellowish and Yellow-wattled Bulbul, Mindanao Metallic-winged and Handsome Sunbirds, Black-bibbed Cicadabird, Mindanao (Black-and-white) Triller, and Philippine Needletail. We will try hard to locate mixed species flocks as these often contain Mindanao Blue Fantail, Philippine Leaf Warbler, Rusty-crowned and Mindanao Pygmy Babblers, Everett's White-eye, Olive-backed Flowerpecker, Short-crested Monarch, Rufous-tailed Jungle Flycatcher, Rufous Paradise Flycatcher, and gives our best chances of finding the rare Celestial Monarch or Mindanao Wattled Broadbill. Black-faced Coucals can often be found skulking in think tangles while more often areas are good for viewing Blue-crowned Racquet-tail or some of the raptors that frequent the area among them Steere's Honey-buzzard and Pinsker's Hawk Eagle. We will always be on the lookout for rarities like Southern Sooty Woodpecker, Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher, Mindanao Bleeding-heart or Spotted Imperial Pigeon but they are very rarely seen. Night-birding possibilities include Philippine Frogmouth, Chocolate Boobook, EverettÕs and Giant Scops Owl, and Mindanao Boobook. Closer to the town we will visit the disused Bislig Airfield where we have a good chance of seeing Philippine Duck and Eastern Grass Owl. Blue-breasted Quail are often in the grassy fringes of the runway and the marshy vegetation is home to the skulking Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler. Nights in Bislig.

Day 17:
We have another morning at PICOP before driving south to spend the afternoon at a high-altitude pass in the Compostela Valley which is the only easily accessible site for Lina’s Sunbird, together with the undescribed ‘Compostela Grasshopper Warbler’, a vocally distinct form of McGregor’s Cicadabird, and rarer possibilities including Mindanao Brown Dove and Bagobo Babbler. Night at Compostela.

Day 18:
Another morning birding at Compostela Valley for any missing specialties, before driving south to Davao airport with another chance to check the coastline for Chinese Crested Tern if needed. Fly to Puerto Princesa (Palawan), Night at Puerto Princesa.

Days 19-20:
We have two full days exploring several forested areas where we expect to find most of the islands remaining endemics, including Palawan Hornbill, Palawan Flycatcher, Palawan Blue Flycatcher, Blue Paradise Flycatcher, Blue-headed Racquet-tail, Ashy-headed Babbler, the beautiful yet skulking Falcated GroundBabbler, Red-headed and Spot-throated Flameback, Black-chinned Fruit Dove, Lovely Sunbird, Pale Spiderhunter, Palawan Flowerpecker, Yellow-throated Leafbird, Palawan Fairy Bluebird, White-vented Shama, Palawan Drongo, Palawan Crow, Sulphur-bellied, Ashy-fronted and Palawan Bulbuls, Palawan Tit, Melodious Babbler, and Palawan Whistler. We will also look for the distinctive harringtoni Chestnut-breasted Malkoha which looks sure to be split in the future. Palawan shares much of its avifauna with neighbouring Palawan and there are therefore many more widespread species that we don’t find elsewhere on the tour such as Crested Serpent Eagle, Great Slaty Woodpecker, Fiery Minivet, Common Iora, Ventriloquial Oriole, Pin-striped Tit-Babbler, Common Hill Myna, Black-headed Bulbul, Ashy Drongo, Asian Drongo Cuckoo, and Velvet-fronted Nuthatch. On one morning we will make a day trip to the spectacular St Paul’sNational Park where a scenic boat ride will bring us to a spot where we have a good chance to find Tabon Scrubfowl. At night we will search for the endemic Palawan Frogmouth and Palawan Scops Owl, together with the impressive Spotted Wood Owl. On one evening we will also take a boat out to an offshore island in search of Mantanani Scops Owl, a true small-island specialist, and on another we will visit a regular area for Philippine Cockatoo and hope to see these Critically Endangered birds as they come to roost. Nights at Puerto Princesa.

Day 21:
After a final morning birding on Palawan, we return to Manila in the afternoon to connect with international flights.

Tour details

Cost: £ TBC or $ TBC

Deposit: £ 500 or $ 700

Single room supplement:
£ TBC or $ TBC

Maximum group size: 7

Tour cost includes: all accommodation, main meals, internal flights (as stated in itinerary), overland transport, entrance fees, drinking water, tips to local drivers and guides, and guide fees.

Tour cost excludes: International flights and departure taxes, visa, travel insurance, drinks, tips to tour guides, and other items of a personal nature.

Accommodation: comfortable twin-bed, and single rooms, all with private facilities except at Mount Kitanglad, for 3 nights where we stay in a tented camp (one participant per tent).

Walking difficulty: walking is generally easy to moderate throughout with predominantly roadside birding. The exception is at Mount Kitanglad where we walk use a trail going up and down the mountain on both birding days, the trail climbs steadily and is only steep in a few short sections, with a maximum elevation change on one day of 1400-1850m.
The maximum elevation on the tour is <2,000m.

Expected number of species: 300-350 species.

Number of endemics and range-restricted species: 160-170 Philippine endemics and 6-7 near-endemics.

Map of the tour

Tour Reports

Our latest tour reports from the region