Scheduled tours

2024 -2026 scheduled tor selection

Scheduled tours

Scheduled tours

Scheduled tours

Scheduled tours

Scheduled tours

Scheduled tours

Scheduled tours

Scheduled tours

We are running the following scheduled tours during 2024 - 2026. Please click on any of the tours for further details including a full itinerary.

Please note: Tours marked 'Tour provisionally full' are for a tour that is fully booked but since the tour cost is yet to be announced no deposits have yet been paid, so please do notify us of your interest in case a place becomes available once the tour cost is confirmed.

Catch-up tours: In addition to our scheduled tours, we also offer 'Catch-up tours', whereby birders are looking for additional participants to make up a team for select species or a specific itinerary. Please visit our Custom tours page for further details.

Click on the specific year to be taken to those tours, alternatively, continue to scroll down.


India: Lesser Florican and Western Himalaya
From Orange Bullfinch to displaying Lesser Florican
30th July - 10th August 2024 (12 days)

Tour is full

Easy West Papua
'Easy' three-week tour, with no camping at a relaxed pace
18th August - 7th September 2024 (21 days)

Tour is full

Lesser Sundas, IndonesiaSumba, Timor, Rote, Flores and Komodo
24th August - 11th September 2024 (19 days)

Tour is full

Sulawesi and Halmahera, IndonesiaAn endemic-fest, host of kingfishers & Wallace's Standardwing
22nd September - 12th October 2024 (21 days)
20th October - 9th November 2024 (21 days)

Tours are full

Banda Sea Cruise + Tanimbars Tanahjampea, Kalao, Alor, Wetar, Leti, Damar and Babar

6th - 24th October 2024 (19 days)
25th October - 12th November 2024 (19 days)

Tour is full
Tour is full

White-bellied Heron and Eastern Himalaya White-bellied Heron, Sclater's Monal and Namdapha
9th - 19th/22nd November 2024 (11/14 days)

Two spaces available


China in winterCovering Beijing to Hainan and across to Yunnan
5th - 24th January 2025 (20 days)
10th February - 1st March 2025 (20 days)

Tour is full
Tour is full

Southern India and AndamansWestern Ghats and Andaman & Nicobar endemics
11th - 24th January 2025 (14 days)
can be combined with West India

Tour is full

JapanClassic winter tour
13th - 28th January 2025 (15 days)

Tour is full

The original Masked Finfoot houseboat experience
21st - 29th January 2025 (9 days)
4th - 12th February 2025 (9 days)

Tour is full
Tour is full

West IndiaPunjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashra
+ Orange Bullfinch post-tour extension

25th January - 11th/14th February 2025 (18 days)
can be combined with Southern India

Tour is full

PhilippinesEndemic-bonanza; Luzon, Mindanao and Palawan
9th - 29th March 2025 (21 days)

Tour is full

MoluccasMorotai, Bacan, Obi, Seram, Buru, Boano, Kai and Ambon

26th March- 14th April 2025 (20 days)

Tour is full

Spaces availableTour is full

Remote PhilippinesCebu, Tablas, Bohol, Negros, Mindoro, Camiguin & Luzon
29th March - 20th April 2025 (23 days)
12th April - 4th May 2025 (23 days)

Eastern Himalaya: Northeast IndiaEaglenest, Mishmi Hills, Nagaland and Assam
13th April - 4th May 2025 (22 days)

Tour is full

Borneo; Sabah & SarawakComprehensive tour combining Sabah with the Sarawak highlands
27th April - 17th May 2025 (21 days)

Spaces available

Tour is full

Central AsiaUkbezistan & Kazakstan
+ Armenia & Georgia pre-tour extension

29th April/6th - 21st May 2025

Two spaces available

Western Tragopan and the Central Himalaya+ Nepal extension for Spiny Babbler & Chitwan
1st - 11th May 2025 (11 days)

East ChinaGalliformes galore and targeted specialties
+ Silver Oriole extension

5th - 23rd May 2025 (19 days)

Tour is full

Tour is full

SichuanClassic China; scenery and spectacular birds
18th May - 6th June 2025 (20 days)

Two spaces available

MongoliaThe land of no fences; spectacular birds in spectacular scenery
24th May - 7th June 2025 (15 days)

Tour is full

Tajikistan and PakistanWhere the Pamir, Karakoram and Himalaya collide
31st May - 14th June 2025 (15 days)

Tibetan Plateau and XinjiangXinjiang Ground Jay, Sillem's Rosefinch,
through to Lhasa & Derbyan Parakeet

8th - 27th June 2025 (20 days)

Two spaces available

Sumatra and Java, IndonesiaEndemic-filled tour combined with the Sundaic treats
27th July - 16th August 2025 (21 days)

Tour is full

India: Lesser Florican and Western Himalaya
From Orange Bullfinch to displaying Lesser Florican
30th July - 10th August 2025 (12 days)

Spaces available

West Papua
A comprehensive tour through western New Guinea
3rd - 30th August 2025 (28 days)

Three spaces available

Lesser Sundas, IndonesiaSumba, Timor, Rote, Flores and Komodo
23rd August - 10th September 2025 (19 days)

Tour is full
Note: custom tour looking for participants in September 2025, contact us

Easy West Papua
'Easy' three-week tour, with no camping at a relaxed pace
31st August - 20th September 2025 (21 days)

Tour is full

Sulawesi and Halmahera, IndonesiaAn endemic-fest, host of kingfishers & Wallace's Standardwing
21st September - 11th October 2025 (21 days)

Tour is full

Sulawesi and Halmahera, IndonesiaAn endemic-fest, host of kingfishers & Wallace's Standardwing

19th October - 8th November 2025 (21 days)


Spaces available

Sulawesi outer-islands Cruise Taliabu, Peleng, Wangi Wangi, Selayar and Togian

11th - 27th October 2025 (17 days)

Tour is full

Banda Sea Cruise + Tanimbars Tanahjampea, Kalao, Alor, Wetar, Leti, Damar and Babar

13th - 30th October 2025 (19 days)
Note: we will not be running the cruise in 2026

Tour is full

White-bellied Heron and Eastern Himalaya White-bellied Heron, Sclater's Monal and Namdapha
9th - 19th/22nd November 2025 (11/14 days)

Spaces available

2026 and beyond

Southern India and AndamansWestern Ghats and Andaman & Nicobar endemics
TBC January 2026 (14 days)
can be combined with West India

Spaces available

JapanClassic winter tour
14th - 28th January 2026 (15 days)

Spaces available

China in winterCovering Beijing to Hainan and across to Yunnan
18th January - 6th February 2026

Spaces available

West IndiaPunjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashra
+ Orange Bullfinch post-tour extension

26th January - 12th/15th February 2026 (18 days)
can be combined with Southern India

Spaces available

Cambodia & LaosFrom Angkor Wat to Bare-faced Bulbul
TBC February / March 2026 (14 days)

Spaces available

Tour is provisionally full

VietnamFrom south to north, and every bit in-between
15th February - 7th March 2026 (21 days)

PhilippinesEndemic-bonanza; Luzon, Mindanao and Palawan
22nd February - 14th March 2026 (21 days)
can be combined with Remote Philippines

Spaces available

Spaces available

Remote PhilippinesCebu, Tablas, Bohol, Negros, Mindoro, Camiguin & Luzon
14th March - 5th April 2026 (23 days)
can be combined with Philippines Endemic-bonanza

Spaces available

Eastern Himalaya: Northeast IndiaEaglenest, Mishmi Hills, Nagaland and Assam
12th April - 3rd May 2026 (22 days)

Borneo; Sabah & SarawakComprehensive tour combining Sabah with the Sarawak highlands
26th April - 16th May 2026 (21 days)

Spaces available

Spaces available

Western Tragopan and the Central Himalaya+ Nepal extension for Spiny Babbler & Chitwan
28th April - 8th May 2026 (11 days)

Spaces available

Central AsiaUkbezistan and Kazakstan
+ Armenia & Georgia pre-tour extension

1st/8th - 23rd May 2026

East ChinaGalliformes galore and targeted specialties

TBC May 2026 (19 days)

Spaces available

Spaces available

SichuanClassic China; scenery and spectacular birds
17th May - 5th June 2026 (20 days)
can be combined with Tibet & Xinjiang

JapanNansei Shoto endemics and Japanese breeding specialities

24th May - 9th June 2026 (17 days)

Tour is provisionally full

Spaces available

Tajikistan and PakistanWhere the Pamir, Karakoram and Himalaya collide
TBC June 2026 (14 days)

Tibetan Plateau and XinjiangXinjiang Ground Jay, Sillem's Rosefinch,
through to Lhasa & Derbyan Parakeet

7th - 26th June 2026 (20 days)
can be combined with Sichuan

Spaces available

India: Lesser Florican and Western Himalaya
From Orange Bullfinch to displaying Lesser Florican
31st July - 11th August 2026 (12 days)

Spaces available

Easy West Papua
'Easy' three-week tour, with no camping at a relaxed pace
2nd - 22nd August 2026 (21 days)

Tour is full

Sumatra and Java, IndonesiaEndemic-filled tour combined with the Sundaic treats
9th - 29th August 2026 (21 days)

Spaces available

West Papua
A comprehensive tour through western New Guinea
30th August - 26th September 2026 (28 days)

Tour is full

Lesser Sundas, IndonesiaSumba, Timor, Rote, Flores and Komodo
5th - 23rd September 2026 (19 days)

Two spaces available

Sulawesi and Halmahera, IndonesiaAn endemic-fest, host of kingfishers & Wallace's Standardwing
27th September - 17th October 2026  (21 days)

Tour is provisionally full

Sulawesi outer-islands Cruise Taliabu, Peleng, Wangi Wangi, Selayar and Togian

TBC November 2026 (17 days)

Spaces available

White-bellied Heron and Eastern Himalaya White-bellied Heron, Sclater's Monal and Namdapha
9th - 19th/22nd November 2026 (11/14 days)

Spaces available

Eastern PolynesiaTuamotu, Henderson, Pitcairn, Tahiti, Society and Marquesas
Provisionally TBC September - October 2026

Please contact us to register your interest

Tour still to be confirmed, waiting list available

Russian Far East Private Cruise: 'Through the Fire'Kurils, Sea of Okhotsk and Commander Islands
June TBC (16 days)
NOTE: on hold for the foreseeable future